Cheers to 2024, and Hello to A Think-y New Year!

Another trip around the sun is winding down, and we’re all settling in for a long winter’s nap. It’s a busy time of year for everyone, but there’s always time to reflect on the wonderful adventures we’ve had over the past twelve months.

Here are our highlights from 2024:

·      We loved doing story time readings at the Guelph and District Multicultural Festival, as well as the Milton Public Library Open Mic.

·      We were thrilled to participate in events like the Arts Milton Friendship Project, the Milton Youth Market, and Culture Days.

·      We were honoured to be part of year two of Exclusively Inclusive, a public art project that counters hate and discrimination. To support this initiative, we created even more new learning materials for thinkers of all ages.

·      We were so excited to release our latest book “They Do, Not You!” in print, video, and interactive eBook format. If you’ve got a kiddo who enjoys thinking about thinking, and who is fascinated by our animal friends, you’ve got to check it out!

·      We also enjoyed producing a new series of YouTube shorts, “Think Together With Kids” that delivers bite-sized conversation starters to share between big and little thinkers.

·      Recently, we launched our own online bookshop, to give our readers in Canada more options for finding our books.

It’s been 365 days of big questions, powered by our belief that it’s never too early and it’s never too late to become an amazing thinker.

Thank you to everyone who supported us, and who read, listened to, watched, and played with our stuff. Keep asking those big questions, and we’ll keep making more space in which to play with them.

Happy Holidays to shiny minds young and old, and may 2025 be the thinkiest year yet! 


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New Season, New App, New Video Series!