How Philosophy Can Create Bonding Moments With Kids

What parent doesn’t love those special moments of connection with their kid? Sometimes they happen over a good book at bedtime. Sometimes they take the form of a long chat during an even longer car ride. Sometimes they happen while we’re cooking with our kids, or doing something crafty and creative. These are the moments when we get to be really present together, when we get to tell our kids “I see you. I get you. I appreciate you” and mean it.

Believe it or not, doing philosophy with your kids is an amazing way to help these moments to happen. It’s true that philosophy is incredibly effective in helping kids develop essential thinking skills and equipping them for their adventures out in the world, but it’s also true that it can bring incredible connection and closeness with children.

Here are some of the more personal benefits of taking on big questions with a little thinker:

  • Doing philosophy with children gives you get a window into your child’s mind. No doubt you already know how amazingly smart they are, but you get to see what really inspires their curiosity, what’s important to them, what they delight in, and what they worry about.

  • You also get to reassure them, in a very immediate, tangible way, that you take them seriously, and that you recognize how insightful and creative they are.

  • Philosophy allows both you and your child to explore how important it is to see things from different perspectives, and it also helps them to see that you are one of those perspectives.

  • Asking big, challenging questions together builds trust, and creates a safe space for discussion of all kinds of topics. If your child knows you aren’t afraid to ask big, complex, philosophical questions, they may be more likely to come to you with all kinds of questions.

  • Philosophy questions have a tendency to go on for…well, forever, and in the case of philosophy with kids, that’s a good thing. They come away from discussions knowing that there’s no age limit and no time limit on talking to you. There’s always a “next time” to look forward to.

  • We forget that for little thinkers, asking big questions is actually a lot of fun. Playing with “why” together can be as much of a game as you want to make it, and you’ll have the opportunity to share a laugh and a smile as you talk.

  • Philosophy belongs with all sorts of interests and hobbies, so you can have it piggyback on any fun activity you usually do with your child. You bond over something you love doing together, and paint a philosophical layer on it.

  • Philosophy engages the entire child- mentally, emotionally, and socially. When an adult does philosophy with a little thinker, they are seeing them as a whole, thinking, beautifully complex human being, and there’s no better way to feel close to your kiddo than that.

It’s important to note that although all of this is reassuring and comforting for a child, it also serves to nurture you as a parent. You too have an inner philosopher, and you can embrace this part of yourself while bringing it out in your child. You’re still growing and still learning too, and philosophy allows you to share that with them.

If you need help getting started in bonding over philosophy, we’ve got all kinds of materials, resources, and tools to help.

Happy thinking (together)!  


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