How Young Is Too Young For Philosophy?
As far as we’re concerned, if your child has started asking philosophical questions out loud, then it isn’t too early to start a conversation about them. Basically, when the “why” comes out, it’s time.
Big Questions With Kids and Bugs
Whether you have a kid that likes to study them buggies with a microscope, paint pictures of our multi-legged friends, or generally avoid anything to do with the little dudes, there are opportunities to turn any encounter with creepy crawlies into some big questions!
6 Reasons Why Philosophy Should Be A Family Affair
They say the family that plays together, stays together, and we agree. Why not include big questions in your family’s collective playtime?
What If My Kid Just Isn’t A Critical Thinker?
While we can all agree that no two kids (or people for that matter) think alike, we’re pretty confident that in some way, shape or form, all kids like to ask big questions.
Critical Thinking, Picnic Edition
Now that Spring has arrived, and families are venturing out for treats in an al fresco setting, there are even more opportunities to chow down on big questions.
The Long Game of Critical Thinking With Kids
This practice that takes time also lasts a lifetime. There are most definitely short term advantages to being a critical thinker, but it’s important to note that kids who fit into this will have clarity and agency for years to come, in their academic studies, their professional pursuits, and in their personal lives.
6 Questions Every Young Environmentalist Should Ask
Really, every day should be Earth Day (we do live on and depend on it, right?). We’re always excited about asking big questions and taking a closer look at our relationship with our lovely blue planet and its inhabitants.
Why Little Thinkers Need to Understand Nuance
There are a lot of grey areas in the information we receive these days, and kids need to learn to think about them critically.
Racism and The Problem of “Other”: How To Think It Through With Kids
It’s really never too early to think critically about what makes someone “other”, and about how to bridge the distance.
What Do Kids Think About Freedom?
Kids have a unique perspective on freedom, and chatting with them about it presents great opportunities for critical thinking.
Yes! Little Thinkers Can Handle Big Questions.
In an era like ours, thinking skills are invaluable. To quote a Malay proverb “A tree with strong roots laughs at storms.”