The (Not So) Serious Business of Philosophy With Kids
“Philosophy” seems like a big, serious word for a big, serious practice, with all kinds of emotional and intellectual baggage attached. Even just the mention of it intimidates a lot of adults, conjuring images of ancient thinkers in togas, or academics with furrowed brows. Philosophy feels like something deep, cerebral, and even tiring.
And maybe it is…for adults.
Pop or Simmer? Two Ways To Learn
How does your little thinker learn? It’s tempting to focus on what they’re learning, but have you ever really watched to see how their mind works, how their personality mingles with the way they study the world around them?
Kids, Plants, and Big Questions
Even tiny wee kids have big thoughts about plants and trees, and there’s certainly no lack of inspiration to be found in their surroundings. Encourage your little thinker to branch out with their ideas, and you won’t be-leaf how your conversations with them will blossom.
Risk Taking And Philosophy
Here’s the thing we, as adults, overlook: doing philosophy feels far riskier to us than it does to younger thinkers. Kids, especially little ones, don’t balk at taking these kinds of risks. Big questions aren’t daunting, jumping into conversations isn’t a big deal, and potentially looking a little silly doesn’t really phase them.
Why Publish For Children?
In our minds, there’s no better group to which a writer or publisher can devote their time and energy. Along with these challenges come many, many rewards.
In Praise of Slow Apps For Kids
Yes, even with a clicky-flashy device in hand, a kiddo can (and should) be taught to slow down, and there are “slow apps” out there that are more than just frantic flash and sparkle, and that are still engaging and exciting.
How To Help Your Child Understand the Value of the Humanities
Our kids need to be well-rounded, adaptable, and innovative in order to thrive in this our current circumstances. They need social-emotional intelligence and global awareness, as well as the ability to question and problem-solve. Fostering an appreciation and fondness when our kids are little means that they’ll be more likely to keep at least a toe or two dipped in the humanities as they grow, so they can enjoy the benefits.
Taking Little Thinkers From “Me” To “We”
Right about now, it seems as though empathy, compassion and connection are in short supply. If there’s a way to help our kids keep these things at the front of their minds, why not make it a priority? If it helps us grown-ups to recapture some of our sense of “we”, then all the better!
The Importance of Changing Our Minds
Changing our minds is about being open to new ideas or ways of doing things. It’s being curious and flexible enough to give new ideas a chance, while still being critical and skeptical before accepting and adopting them. Changing our minds involves being nimble, adaptable, and willing to see and evaluate all kinds of possibilities. It’s knowing when it’s justified to hold onto something, and when it’s necessary to let go of it.
Talking Peace with Kids
Peace is something we long for all year round, really, but it seems to be baked into the holiday season. With current world events, it’s even more prominent in our minds, and at times like these, it feels like it’s in short supply. If it’s difficult for an adult to get their head around a huge concept like peace, we can imagine how a kid feels.
Is The World Too Much For A Little Thinker?
Most kids are grateful for and enthusiastic about being included in important conversations. They can handle difficult information if it’s presented in the right way. The long and the short of it is that kids don’t just want to know, they need to know.
5 Things No Thinker (Even A Big One) Should Be Afraid Of
Our kids seem fine with them, even delighted by them. Well, we’re supposed to be the smart ones, the ones in charge, the ones who always know what’s what and what to do. That’s an awful lot of pressure, and perhaps an unattainable goal. Maybe we should open ourselves up as thinkers, give ourselves a break, and set an example for our littles. And maybe wonderful adventures in thinking will happen.
Big Questions About The World Of Work
From a very early age, kids are curious about what it means to work. As we’ve seen over the past few years, the definition of and attitude toward work have changed a great deal. Chances are, a lot of our kids will make their living in careers that don’t yet exist.
So, why not make work a topic of conversation with your kiddo?
Thinking Our Way Back To School
School is a big deal, and rather than making it a source of nerves, why not make it something to explore and discuss? As is the case for many things, kids get a kick out of peeking behind the curtain and digging a little deeper into education. It might even motivate and empower them as learners, help them find their place in their school and get the most out of the coming year.
Helping Your Child Understand the Why of Emotions
There’s no quick fix when it comes to regulating our emotions, and maybe that’s a good thing. Taking time to slow down, reflect, and discuss could give you and your little thinker an amazing opportunity to really understand not just what they’re feeling, but why they’re feeling it. A child’s emotional intelligence deserves and requires time, effort and exploration, and not just management techniques.
How To Set An Example As A Thinker
Do all the regular things you’re supposed to do as examples for your kid. Eat your vegetables, bathe regularly, get some sleep, and mind your manners. Just don’t forget, on a regular basis, to model being a thinker. They’ll thank you for it later.
Raising The Right Kind of Rebel
Kids are wired to question, to ask “why”, to challenge ideas and decisions. It’s not the easiest part of parenting, but if we play our cards right, we can channel this drive into something productive, something that will help our kids to be better thinkers, and better citizens of the world.
What’s Summer For?
They’re all good uses of two months off, but it’s really important to note that for a kid, learning doesn’t stop when school finishes. They may not be keen to do math worksheets and grammar exercises, but they do eventually (sometimes quickly) get bored if they aren’t kept engaged and thinking. Summer is the perfect time to brush up on and build thinking skills, and your kid doesn’t even have to know they’re doing it.
AI And Little Thinkers?
It’s a big deal, and it’s kind of come in fast and furious, so it’s natural (and advisable) for parents to ask “How is this going to affect my kid as a learner?”
Kids and Filters
What we need is filters for our kids, ways for them to determine what’s useful, appropriate, and accurate. We need them to be picky about the information they accept and consume.