Parent Resources Amy Leask Parent Resources Amy Leask

5 Things No Thinker (Even A Big One) Should Be Afraid Of

Our kids seem fine with them, even delighted by them. Well, we’re supposed to be the smart ones, the ones in charge, the ones who always know what’s what and what to do. That’s an awful lot of pressure, and perhaps an unattainable goal. Maybe we should open ourselves up as thinkers, give ourselves a break, and set an example for our littles. And maybe wonderful adventures in thinking will happen.

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Coming Events Amy Leask Coming Events Amy Leask

Philosophy Phun This Phall!

We love this time of year! The weather cools off, the trees burst into colour, and we get to be part of some pretty amazing events. In the process, we get to connect with a whole bunch of cool little thinkers and their families.

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Amy Leask Amy Leask

Help Your Kid Avoid Boo-Boos in Thinking

There’s a myth floating around out there that in philosophy, there are no right or wrong answers. It’s understandable, but not quite accurate. Free thinking isn’t just a free-for-all There are rules for good thinking, and things to avoid. It may be true that there isn’t just one right or wrong answer, but there are definitely some that are better than others, and these ones have no (or at least fewer) mistakes in logic.

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Parent Resources, Tips and Tricks Amy Leask Parent Resources, Tips and Tricks Amy Leask

Thinking Our Way Back To School

School is a big deal, and rather than making it a source of nerves, why not make it something to explore and discuss? As is the case for many things, kids get a kick out of peeking behind the curtain and digging a little deeper into education. It might even motivate and empower them as learners, help them find their place in their school and get the most out of the coming year.

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Parent Resources, Tips and Tricks Amy Leask Parent Resources, Tips and Tricks Amy Leask

Helping Your Child Understand the Why of Emotions

There’s no quick fix when it comes to regulating our emotions, and maybe that’s a good thing. Taking time to slow down, reflect, and discuss could give you and your little thinker an amazing opportunity to really understand not just what they’re feeling, but why they’re feeling it. A child’s emotional intelligence deserves and requires time, effort and exploration, and not just management techniques.

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Tips and Tricks, Parent Resources Amy Leask Tips and Tricks, Parent Resources Amy Leask

What’s Summer For?

They’re all good uses of two months off, but it’s really important to note that for a kid, learning doesn’t stop when school finishes. They may not be keen to do math worksheets and grammar exercises, but they do eventually (sometimes quickly) get bored if they aren’t kept engaged and thinking. Summer is the perfect time to brush up on and build thinking skills, and your kid doesn’t even have to know they’re doing it.

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Tips and Tricks, Parent Resources Amy Leask Tips and Tricks, Parent Resources Amy Leask

Big Questions About Our Environment

These questions are big and complex, but as is the case with most philosophical quandaries, kids tend to see them as a challenge, and an opportunity to be included in something important. At some point, every child will realize that they and their peers will be responsible as stewards of our planet. Why not empower, inform, and involve them at a young age, so they can grow into this vitally important role?

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